Voucher Rent Calculator
Household Type
Contract Rent
Income Band
Income Amount
40% Maximum Contract Rent
40% Maximum Gross Rent
50% Maximum Contract Rent
50% Maximum Gross Rent
Elderly/Disabled Deduction
Dependents Deduction
T-Number | |
Payment Standard Size | |
Community Type | |
Community Type Payment Standard | |
Lesser of Payment Standard or Contract Rent | |
Amount Contract Rent Exceeds Payment Standard | |
Utility Allowance Amount | |
Gross Rent | |
Applicable Income Band | N/A |
Applicable Minimum Rent | |
Percent Rent Calculation(TPP %) | |
Greater of Minimum Rent or Rent Calculation | |
Rent Premium | |
Rent Portion | |
HAP | |
Prorated Rent Portion | |
Prorated HAP Portion | |
PTS Hardship - Rent for Shelter Burden | |
PTS Hardship - Shelter Burden Percentage | |
40% of Adjusted Monthly Income | |
50% of Adjusted Monthly Income |